Decoration literacy learned to see the decoration contract

The signing of the decoration contract is an important part of the decoration process. The perfection of the decoration contract is directly related to the vital interests of the users. In order to protect our legal and reasonable interests in the decoration contract as much as possible, when signing the contract, we must be cautious and clarify the relevant terms. The vast majority of users are new to decoration, and it is not very clear what to look out for when signing a renovation contract . Today we will come to understand the content related to the renovation contract .

First, how to ensure the safety of the signing of the decoration contract?

1. It is necessary to check whether the decoration company has business license and relevant qualification certificate;

2. Inspect whether the decoration company is using a decoration engineering construction contract issued by the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce;

3, should let the decoration company first design drawing;

4. Before the signing of the decoration contract, we must first review the quotation and see if the decoration company is implementing the guiding price of the city's industry; otherwise, do not sign it lightly;

5. Ask the decoration company whether they have quality inspectors to inspect the construction site during construction and whether they can provide quality inspection records.

Second, details of the decoration contract

A relatively complete home improvement contract includes design drawings, project budgets, construction process construction procedures, construction plans and material purchase orders for both parties.

1. Design drawings <br> Design drawings relate to the degree of final realization of the decoration style. If there is a deviation in the communication between the owner and the designer, there will be differences in the understanding of the project, and it will be difficult to achieve an ideal decoration effect. Therefore, a design drawing including a specific shape and size will be an effective way to eliminate the gap between designers and owners.

2. Project budget <br> The general formal decoration company will give the owner a relatively complete project budget, including the project, quantity, unit price and materials. Users can intuitively understand the cost of home decoration and the materials used. Before the signing of the decoration contract, if the decoration company's quotation exceeds its own budget, it can also choose to make appropriate adjustments.

3, construction process <br> The construction process quality affects the quality of home improvement. In the decoration contract, it is necessary to reflect the requirements of the construction process, which can act as a constraint for the construction team and prevent the cutting-off of materials.

4. Construction Plan <br> A more rigorous construction plan can ensure that the renovation project is delivered on time, and can also ensure that the owner finds problems when the contractor begins to delay the construction period. The effective implementation of the construction plan is also the protection of the owner’s rights and interests.

5. Material Purchase Orders of Party A and Party B. For the material purchase orders of the contracting parties, it shall be clearly stipulated in terms of the brand of the material, the time limit for the purchase, the acceptance method, and the acceptance personnel.

Third, the decoration contract signed attention points

1. The name of the decoration company <br> When signing a decoration contract, it is necessary to pay special attention to the name of the decoration company, that is, whether the name of the contractor is the same as the name on the business license so as to prevent the operator from taking advantage of the loopholes. For items that require mutual agreement between the parties in the contract, they cannot be omitted. After signing, there must be an official seal stamped by the decoration company.

2. Matters specified in the contract <br> In the construction contract, the construction period, several acceptance procedures (including materials, concealed works, partial and overall acceptance, etc.), description of the detailed production process, and the details provided by both sides should be provided. The schedule of materials and dates, etc. At the same time, the proportion of liquidated damages should also be agreed upon. The standards for construction materials must be precise, including floors, ceilings, interior walls, exterior walls, kitchens, balconies, etc. It is best to mark the brand and model of clear materials.

3, material comparison <br> requires the decoration company to provide detailed design plans. Ask experts to consult with budget quotations as much as possible. If commissioned by the decoration company to select building materials, it is important to keep a sample of the material provided by the decoration company so that it can be checked and compared later.

4. Payment methods General decoration contract, agreed to 60% down payment, after the acceptance of the woodwork to pay 35% of the cost, after completion of 5%. In accordance with this form of payment, after the construction period passed about half of the time, the owner had already paid about 95% of the cost to the decoration company. Therefore, it is suggested that the owner can press the down payment to 30% when signing the contract, and pay 30% in the middle term, which can prevent the owner from being in a passive situation. Then we can better achieve the desired results.

5. Acceptance <br> The way of acceptance engineering can be agreed on the contract by a third-party professional acceptance, marking the acceptance node and the number of acceptance.

6, decoration materials limited <br> decoration contract is generally divided into three types: contractors contracted package materials, some materials, contractors, contractors, households own materials. If the decoration company package material, the owner needs to ask for the purchase of the material schedule, certificate of compliance, invoice; if the owner own material, the selected materials must comply with national standards. The model, factory name, factory site, etc., are prohibited from using the decoration materials that the country has ordered to be eliminated.

7, increase and decrease the project <br> During the decoration process, it is easy to increase or decrease the project, for example, to make more cabinets, these must be paid at the time of completion. So what should be the unit price of these projects? If you wait until after the start of work, then it may be that the construction side has the final say. Therefore, it is advisable for the owner to make a copy of a complete quotations that the decoration company originally gave you, so as not to change the price of the decoration company when signing a contract or increasing or decreasing a project.

8. Warranty Terms <br> The whole process of renovation is still based on manual on-site production. It does not realize full factoryization, so it is inevitable that there will be various quality problems. During the warranty period, the responsibility of the decoration company is particularly important. For example, if there is a problem, the decoration company is responsible for the full warranty for the contracted materials, or only the contractor is not responsible for the material warranty, or other restrictions, which must be clearly written in the decoration contract.

9. Changes in Budget <br> When the contents of the renovation contract, including the construction period, the subject of the contract, the construction project, and the budgeted project, need to be changed, both parties need to sign an agreement again. For the construction materials quotations attached to the contract, specific specifications should be made for the specifications, models, brands, and unit prices of the materials.

10. Construction according to the plan <br> The decoration company should strictly follow the drawings signed and approved by the owner. If the detail size and the design drawings do not match, the owner can request rework.

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